I know this is an old link, but I got sent here searching for clues on my stinky cat. Was he sick or what? (previously he had crazy squirrel fever). Well it happened on the lot of the person with the vet stuff. No lots free for clinic!!! The vet bed says no pet sick on lot. Later I found a notice where it said my cat had been sprayed by a skunk. And yeah it is slowly wearing off. Now the thing is, I'm old! Before those new meds you only put three drops on the back of their neck (where they can not lick) you had to give cats flea baths, at least in S. Calif. Here in Utah its too dry for them to survive! Yeah! Anyway since then only one of my cats had been bathed, after he managed to pour furniture polish on himself. I was worried he'd get sick licking it off. So I knew they were susceptible to harsh chemicals so I used my shampoo first which didn't get it all off. Which I had to drop him off at the vet on the way to work. So further update for real life cats, blue dawn is the one used by wildlife people getting oil off and used and suggested by my vet. And no, I wasn't polishing my furniture, I was soaking a carving that had dried and was starting to crack. But in real life if you cat was sprayed by a skunk, he would hate it but sure you would bathe him. You just don't expect to come out unscathed from it. Especially if your cat is so big you have to bathe him in the tub. So anyway, a vet won't help in the game except to tell you he's not sick. And if anyone has a clue in the measly number of lots how I am supposed to have a spa, restaurant, vet, doctor and anything else, let me know!