Forum Discussion

jimbbq1's avatar
7 years ago

How to make dogs breed

I have been trying to encourage my dog to breed with others but they always hate each other (the stop signs in fought bubble ) I have tried so many dogs already! Is there a trick to make them breed? Thanks.
  • So far, I've only really been successful if 1: the female is "in heat" (has the little hearts popping up, is howling a lot) and 2: both dogs or cats are in my household. I've never successfully bred with an "outside" or visiting pet or stray. Now, if I want to keep puppies around, I adopt two pets, one male and female, check in once in a while to make sure they're not fighting or anything, and then when the female goes into heat, encourage BOTH of them to mate with each other. That usually seems to work, and I've had about 5 successful pet pregnancies, with 3 different pairings, so far using that method.
  • i did try be nice to the other dog, but none is working!

    the famale dog in my family is making a lo of hearts noise!
  • I've only had success when my cats/dogs are in a good (i.e. green) mood, even when in heat. If they're neutral or red, they'll just rebuff the other animal's advances.
  • Just shower them with affection first until you get the "Feel the Love" interaction. If the animal has food available, it should be pretty easy to get them happy with just social interactions. They don't have complicated needs like human sims.
  • I can’t even seem to make the dog be nice to other dogs .....
  • She keeps going in heat but when I encourage her to mate with another cat they just fight
  • I don't even have the "be nice to..." choice available when I tell my cats to breed.