Forum Discussion

DaWaterRat's avatar
New Vanguard
4 years ago

Hypothetical ways for Zodiacs to work in the Sims 4

Okay, so reading over at Sims Wiki

In Sims 1 and 2, they were based on personality. In sims 3 they were a chosen trait added in a patch that primarily was just a system for attraction.

In the Real world, your Zodiac Sign is based on when you're born in both the Greek/Western and Chinese systems (the two systems I'm most familiar with. I know there are others.) The primary differences are the speed of the cycle - roughly monthly for Greek, Yearly for Chinese - and the determination of secondary signs (I'm less familiar with this part, but I think In the Greek tradition it's the position of the various other planets when you were born going down to the hour and minute, and in the Chinese tradition, it's more granular based on your birth month, day and time.)

if they're implementing a Zodiac system in the Sims 4, How would you like them to implement it, and - if different - how do you think they will implement it?

So I think what I'd like to see is a zodiac created specifically for The Sims (i.e. The Cowplant, The Llama, the Gnome, the Freezer Bunny, The Sad Clown, the Alien, or maybe others that require more Sims Lore knowledge than I have) but not 12. Either 5-6 or 8-9 "signs" that cycle through the days of the week but don't match up nicely so that not all sims born on Monday have the same Zodiac trait. And it would be selectable in CAS, obviously, with only born-in-game sims having their zodiac sign based on the day of the week they were born.

A Made Up Zodiac system wouldn't have to have 12 signs - so it wouldn't take two weeks to go through the whole zodiac in my system above. It also would be less likely to offend by getting things "wrong" and less likely to imply that one tradition is more "correct" than others. But it would require them to actually make it up while using an existing Zodiac means they just have to pick what specific elements they're using.

Based on the interfaces seen in the Inside Maxis stream, I do think they could be working on a Zodiac system that at least can be seen on the Calendar. How much it works with the calendar depends on if they're actually bringing it to base game or that was just a quirk of the production build that had the calendar system implemented without Seasons.

Or they were working on something else with the calendar - like School breaks - and Zodiac signs will be chosen the same way as in Sims 3.

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