Forum Discussion

GalacticGal's avatar
Seasoned Ace
6 years ago

I Almost Complained

Yesterday, I almost came to these boards to complain. Why hadn't the music changed? It was still playing the IL intro music. But, for some odd reason, and no I haven't had to uninstall and reinstall, I got the music I expected. Something with a bit of a university flavor. Yay! Sometimes, it pays to be patient. LOL

2 Replies

  • MissIcewolf's avatar
    Seasoned Traveler
    6 years ago
    The music is all random. But I still mostly get the Island Living one, haha.
  • Glad to know that. I've always gotten the music for the most recent EP. That's what stunned me, up until I opened the game today, I was getting IL. Today it was the expected DU. Rah, rah! :p I'm not overly fond of the IL, so I hope the DU music continues for me.