Forum Discussion

SimsMamaJackie's avatar
New Novice
4 hours ago

I might cry lol

I have been skilling up a sim in all the skills possible, shes had all the jobs, all the collections, her personality was awesome... house also fantastic.... however i had downloaded mysims for my daughter but its pure crap on the PC and neither of us could figure out the decorating so i thought id free up splace and uninstall from the EA app.... it uninstalled sims 4 with it some how. im so upset ..... why would this happen?????


  • I don't know why the EA app would do that but when you reinstall you might consider using steam. Just download the free base game from steam and the steam app will download everything you own from the EA store and install it.

    I have steam's app in control of the sims4, it does the updates and installs any new packs I buy in the EA store. When I was using the EA app I had so many problems with the game working everytime I started it and the store packs being added to my game after buying them. The game wouldn't work on this computer until I installed the game using the steam app. After the last patch the game would freeze in the beginning when the plumb bob was spinning when I tried to load my game. I just signed out in the task bar and restarted my computer and steam then the game would load and play. Steam fixed the game and now it starts fine with no freezing on the plumb bob spinning.