Forum Discussion

ck213's avatar
Seasoned Scout
4 years ago

I was forgiving of DHD until this.

I knew going in that this was a lightweight Game Pack.
However, I did like the idea of a pack that encouraged Builders to play and Players to build.
The sectional furniture system is cool and I like giving my sims likes and dislikes.

But this pack is not strong in the area of getting Builders to Play.
I went into this pack with the idea of the growth and development of my sim as an Interior Decorator.
There is not enough focus on your sim's game play as I had thought there would be.

There is not any skill based growth and development.
It's just performing gigs and the player getting information and making choices. Your sim doesn't factor into it much.
I thought Charisma, Photography, and an art skill would be what boosts performance. If it does, the game is putting it in the background.
Your sim is just a visual proxy, on-site for your building activities as a builder, not a player.

This pack should have had a new skill, like Design Theory and Practice.
Something that would encompass history of design, color theory, materials, composition, structure and form etc.
Get Famous actors have their acting skill that they can practice in a mirror, on a microphone, or with other sims.
Stylists have a style-board and are required to level up in certain skills, that help in their performance.

I thought the designer career would be similar to the stylist because of this desk and style board.

But they are just a picture and desk and have nothing to do with design other than visual immersion.
They are just for show. It really is a builders pack, thinly disguised as game play, repurposed from existing systems.

This is a wonderful Stuff Pack.
It's an underwhelming Game Pack. The focus is narrow, as it should be, but the depth is shallow as far a role playing your sim in this career.
It's especially aggravating since other career features that would have given it more depth already exists in the game.

I still like the pack, but it misses the mark for me.
I will get my enjoyment out of it, but I certainly overpaid for what I got.
What would this game need for me to be happy with it?

Not a lot. That desk and style board being functional for starters, and skills determining performance.
I would also like my sims Charisma, Photography and Interior Design skill levels being useful for drumming up new clients and getting repeat business. This would allow me to target households I would like to have as clients. I want the game to be more about the sims and less about the number of gigs performed. A career aspiration would be nice, as well one for sims wanting to improve their living spaces.

I will have to be more creative to get the game play immersion I need. My sim will run a Home Decor business (Get To Work) that provides interior design services (DHD). She will have a media arm of her business where she has a Simtube channel and does live streams from client homes (Get Famous), if that's possible. I haven't tried it yet. She is also an artist and will sell her art at her business and on Plopsy.

I believe just performing gigs will get boring, despite providing build challenges.
It's not something I will want to do everyday for my sim. That's why I have the Home Decor business. She can take Gigs as she pleases for alternative income and I can role play her having a design studio in her business.

45 Replies

  • I'm so glad I didn't buy it on release. The Sims 4 Get To Build Challenge is not worth $20USD. Now I love new careers but there's zero substance to this. I mean really no new skill or the incorporation of existing skills to advance the career. No new objects aside from the modular furniture that offers no real benefit to the sim. No new perks that come from being in the career. There isn't even a handholding aspiration with the promise of a useless trait at the end. And we have all these likes/dislikes that barely matter to the end result. It's another case of they make the sims "feel" different without actually being different. At least Strangerville added the military career that works without participating in the Strangerville story. This just gives sims the appearance of having a career. This is dollhouse content from a multimillion dollar franchise. What an utter waste of time.
  • tamalee's avatar
    New Spectator
    4 years ago
    "Schantal;c-17901462" wrote:
    Another thing that makes this pack so boring to me is having to wait a full 24 hours per gig.....thats just ridiculous. You spend more time just playing your normal game than actually playing the pack. Also, you don't even get more or even as much as Build/Buy items as most of the other its not even worth it in that sense.. 8 of the build buy items are the same like 4 bunkbeds reworked.....same with the dresser style objects that go into the wall. I hadn't been excited for a sims pack in a very long time and this one was one of the most disappointing. Its def a glorified stuff pack.....not to mention how broken it is.

    Edit to add (just saw that there are tabs for styles, but its not the most fluid and still frustrating to use)
    Oh and I posted this in the other thread, but another thing that frustrated me to no end was that you have likes and dislikes for decor "style", but none of the furniture is labeled as to what style it is. When you get a gig and a sim says "I don't like french modern whatever" I always sit there like....umm what does that even mean? If you aren't well versed in decor types and their names, there are no indicators on the objects in game as to what "style" the object is.....I hope im making sense lol. I thought that was so pointless. Give us likes and dislikes on decor types and even have it as a requirement on certain gigs and don't label the furniture so you don't know what decor style it is? Really?

    When you have a gig, the clients' likes and dislikes should show up on the top left of the screen and be clickable. That will filter the build/buy mode catalog to only show those particular things.
  • "tams2578;c-17907369" wrote:
    "Schantal;c-17901462" wrote:
    Another thing that makes this pack so boring to me is having to wait a full 24 hours per gig.....thats just ridiculous. You spend more time just playing your normal game than actually playing the pack. Also, you don't even get more or even as much as Build/Buy items as most of the other its not even worth it in that sense.. 8 of the build buy items are the same like 4 bunkbeds reworked.....same with the dresser style objects that go into the wall. I hadn't been excited for a sims pack in a very long time and this one was one of the most disappointing. Its def a glorified stuff pack.....not to mention how broken it is.

    Edit to add (just saw that there are tabs for styles, but its not the most fluid and still frustrating to use)
    Oh and I posted this in the other thread, but another thing that frustrated me to no end was that you have likes and dislikes for decor "style", but none of the furniture is labeled as to what style it is. When you get a gig and a sim says "I don't like french modern whatever" I always sit there like....umm what does that even mean? If you aren't well versed in decor types and their names, there are no indicators on the objects in game as to what "style" the object is.....I hope im making sense lol. I thought that was so pointless. Give us likes and dislikes on decor types and even have it as a requirement on certain gigs and don't label the furniture so you don't know what decor style it is? Really?

    When you have a gig, the clients' likes and dislikes should show up on the top left of the screen and be clickable. That will filter the build/buy mode catalog to only show those particular things.

    i takes notes of each members likes/dislikes and traits and so on
  • "Akl500P;c-17900443" wrote:
    To be fair I’d rather have a skill than new aspiration. The aspirations are really dull and lack depth in sims 4. They are basically tutorials for the packs and I don’t use half of them. But a skill yes, that would have been great. I’m shocked no current skills make a difference and my sims fine arts degree from ages ago also doesn’t seem to do much. I think I only was able to start on level 3 because she had As in high school.

    I agree with you that there should be a skill, but I still think there should have been an aspiration as well. Even a tutorial aspiration would have signaled that they were thinking of multiple aspects of gameplay instead of a more expensive stuff pack. Not so much for the aspiration itself but there could have been a reward trait that boosts how likely the clients are to like your design, or gives you greater insight into their likes.