Forum Discussion

Elegantblkchina's avatar
9 years ago

Indoor diving platform question... SOLVED!!.

So I feel like I'm the only one that doesn't know how to put a diving platform in my basement pool since I can't seem to find any threads at all on this. I feel like I should be able to do this task simply since the Harbor Quarter Gym in Windenberg has one in the basement. I have even studied the one at the gym to see if I was missing something.
When I try to install the platform I keep getting an error message about intersecting objects, but there is LITERALLY NOTHING around the pool. I even tried raising the wall level. NOTHING! The platform stays red.
Can someone please please help??
  • @DeKay, nope nothing is near it. I put it in first without anything around to make sure it didn't intersect with anything. Thanks for replying!
  • Make sure there aren't any lights above either. I had an issue the other night placing one of the new closets in a build, because a ceiling light was in front of it. Not in the same space. In front. I guess where the Sim would first walk up to it (though the light is higher than the Sim anyway so it shouldn't matter, lol).
  • OP, can you try to take screenshot of the top floor and the basement pool floor so we can take a look at it?

    Post your pics to and paste the URL links here without the "http://" or put spaces in between.
  • Hello @Chirba97 Glad to hear that this thread was of help. Just remember that necroposting is against the rules. What is necroposting?

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