Forum Discussion

graventh8's avatar
New Novice
2 years ago

Is horse ranch still buggy?

I'm planning to get horse ranch but all the reported bugs associated with it put me off..

There's no rush for me to get it if there're some major bugs still not fixed..

Anyone owning horse ranch having annoying bugs not fixed yet?
  • Actually, I completely forgot, I have found that if horses stray too far away from their beds, toys, food etc, it's like they 'forget' they're there, so they just stand around and let their needs go down until I call them over.
  • SheriSim's avatar
    Rising Adventurer
    "SERVERFRA;c-18310583" wrote:
    My Horse Ranch pack works very well. It could be because I only play vanilla on my PC. :p

    I play vanilla too, and though I haven’t done events yet, or had goats or lambs, or tried to hire a ranch hand yet, my horses work fine, train fine, and do well in other worlds as well. One of my sims even took their horse to geek con. It’s nice that you can take the horses feeder with you too, for extended visits. Prairie grass grows quickly. Horses don’t seem to need so much care that my sims can’t keep full time jobs, ( but neither horse has the friendly or needy trait ). I have a tech guru and astronaut who each own a horse and they seem to be able to keep up with the horse and their careers fine. I do keep my horses in a fenced lot at home and keep the gates locked unless we go for a ride, to train or to another lot.
  • bshag4lv's avatar
    Seasoned Scout
    I too can say this pack is pretty good concerning bugs. Sometimes the horse gets a little wonky, the animation of going around barrels doesn't happen often so I don't care. I love, love the sheep and goats, probably even more than horses. :D
  • So far, so good for me. I just moved my Rock Star and his family to Crescent Ridge. and he now has two horses. No problems that I have detected. And I do use mods.