Forum Discussion

alexsimmerman's avatar
5 years ago

Is The Sims too childish now? Teen & Adult players have been forgotten

Controversial but with Sims, adult players need to be prioritised with regards to marketing - not kids. We’re the ones with disposable income to actually invest in the franchise. Don’t make it overly childish, we can handle some drama, tragedy etc

For a Teen rated game, Sims 4 seems solely targeted towards children? The players who’ve grown up with the franchise & continue to play seem to have been forgotten about. We want messy storylines, drama, personality, DEPTH. Everything’s just too pretty, happy and dull

They haven’t even bothered to put an affair storyline in, or a secret child or even a death. How fragile do they think we are? We can handle a bit of emotion and scandal

This won’t happen but I’d love The Sims franchise to start being marketed as a 15+ game with teen/adult concepts like violence, crime, scandals etc. Kids will always convince their parents to buy the game no matter the rating anyway. Make it less childish?

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