Forum Discussion

LadyHawke27's avatar
5 years ago

Is there a recycling bin?

I was wondering if there was a recycling bin? If there is I sure cant find one. I'm only asking cause when I was creating a sim one of the personality or whatever options mentioned recycling. So I was just wondering how that works?
  • Such an odd choice for an Eco Lifestyle pack to not even give us a nice green labelled tub or something similar as a decorative item at least. Nothing says Eco like a recycling bin. Except maybe Al Gore...
  • I still don’t get why there isn’t one. That would have been nice. And more realistic than having a recycling machine...

    Be careful, sims with the recycling trait need to recycle often. If you don’t have them recycle for a while, they’ll autonomously take their own stuff and recycle it, which is very annoying. Like my sim recycled her own computer.....

  • @joRN1414 the losts with the dumpsters must have the reuse and recycle lot trait for the other options to show up. Another simmer informed me of this in a post I wrote.
  • wexxam's avatar
    Rising Hotshot
    Wait I thought this was an obvious choice for a pack like this? The way TS3 did it 10 years ago?? One bin for rubbish and one for recyclables?? Glad I haven't bought the pack yet it keeps disappointing me.
  • Kita5399's avatar
    New Spectator
    No there isnt, the recycling trait makes your Sim want to put items into the recycling machine thing. It’s in the outdoor activities section in buy mode I think.
  • Not a specific bin. If there is a garbage bin on the home lot there should be an option to 'sort recyclables'/ 'sort compostables'. When I first dl'd EL I saw it on the big dumpster in Port Promise once or twice, but then it switched to the 'dive' stuff and I haven't seen it since. I placed a few dumpsters on a community lot and all I get are the 'dive' options too.