If we do get a time travel pack, I sure hope it has medieval times in it. It would be especially nice now that we have horses. I’d love to have archery, log rolling ( was that a thing in medieval times? ), blacksmith, medieval festivals and of course medieval castles, clothes and furniture. It would be great if they added more furniture and possibly wooden toys to the wood working table. It would be a great pack to add a rocking horse for toddlers, and some primitive toys for children, maybe rag dolls and home made stuffed animals for children to play with, wooden horses. and maybe a wooden doll house. And I think it would be cool if they added pigs too, since right from the beginning, it seems like pigs have been teased. They could also add sewing clothing from patterns and material ( add a color wheel for it? ). For fun they could add some Medieval games, medieval dances, archery, jewelry making, and tournaments where knights compete against each other. And other fun things to do at festivals. The festivals could support puppeteering, acting on a stage, a few new medieval jobs, plus with all the animals we have now our sims could also be farmers/ranchers, maybe add some things like architecture, glass blowing ( also to be sold at festivals and a marketplace ). Basket weaving and pottery could be added too. A Medieval expansion would really please me, and could be so fun if they add a lot of activities. Oh, and I almost forgot….. Dragons!!