Forum Discussion

WhatCobblers's avatar
Rising Scout
10 months ago

Island Living: What do the island spirits get up to in your game?

Have found when playing island living that one of my Mua Pel' am households seems to experience very large clusters of island spirit activity.
At least eleven spirits appeared in Kio and Samphy's home the other day!
These large gatherings have happened quite a lot.
I find this surprising, as their neighbour, Ikkanu, lives on a bigger lot, so one would have thought he would get more of them. But in his house, they only seem to appear in groups of two-four at the most.

I just wondered out of curiosity, what is the largest amount of island spirits other players have ever had in their games?
Also, do they appear in odd or funny places?

In Samphy and Kio's house, they love to dance on the worktops and sometimes the table as well. In Ikkanu's house, the spirits seem to love dancing either in or around his toilet. Two invaded his privacy whilst he was trying to have a bath the other day, and there is one that keeps appearing in his bed, sometimes whilst he's sleeping in it.

What are other peoples' island spirit experiences?
  • This lot trait is underrated. Very similar results :)

    I used it on one of the starter lots. It was a small two bedroom one "bath" (makeshift outhouse). They really preferred the outhouse and the child's bedroom. Maybe 4 spirits max. No screenshots as this was a while ago when the pack launched. Probably on my external backup.
  • @SimplyJen :D The spirits do seem to like people's toilets! Perhaps it's because they have been ghosts for so long, they are curious as to why the living build these rooms with these strange contraptions that they like to sit on?

    My poor Ikkanu tried to use his toilet earlier and had three spirits invade his privacy at once.

    @Lenny_Ogg cool festival! It looks like the island spirit is joining your crew for dinner.
  • I've always liked the island spirits, and whenever I build a public venue, I often include them in the lot traits. The most? Hmmmm.....if we're talking about the blue ghost variety, maybe 5?
  • "Lenny_Ogg;c-18332264" wrote:
    We had to go to an older save because Jeb got stuck in his skeleton form.
    So we put all the photos and stuff we found at the temple in a room and saved it into the gallery to get them back in the other save.
    And then we found all the spirits there!
    I already wondered if the lot trait didn't work because we hadn't seen any ^^'
    Maybe they are attracted to the crystals?

    That's interesting, I hadn't thought about the crystals. My Mua Pel'am residents do possess quite a few. I might experiment with placing them in different rooms to see how many spirits they attract.
    I wonder if they are also attracted to Island Living specific objects like the furniture or the flower candles?
  • I have only had probably max three or four spirits at the elder's villa. It's cool how some of you have had so many of them :)

    I loved it when the island spirits "blessed" a baby with the child of the islands trait :smile: The next baby didn't get a blessing (I think the mother got the curse :sweat_smile: ), so he became the child of the ocean.