Forum Discussion

PixelChampions's avatar
3 years ago

Issue with Milestone 3 of Goal Oriented Aspiration

Okay, so my sim has the Goal Oriented Aspiration. Prior to getting to the last milestone, she got promoted to level 3 in her barista part time job. However, the milestone indicates I have 0/3 levels into a side hustle. Do part time jobs not count? That doesn't make sense to me. I'm leaning toward its a glitch or a bug, but I have no idea how to fix it.

7 Replies

  • MVWdeZT's avatar
    Rising Hotshot
    3 years ago
    I'd guess the side hustle is either the Trendi thing or live-streaming.
  • Side hustle is anything you sell to make money from that's not a job, like art you've created and now you get Entepreneur skill points from this.
  • > @rudolpha said:
    > Side hustle is anything you sell to make money from that's not a job, like art you've created and now you get Entepreneur skill points from this.

    I can't seem to get past 1/3 of the side hustle level. I have no idea how I got 1 in the first place and now am stuck with how to finish the aspiration... I do find it interesting that you mention making money that's not a job because in the description of the aspiration, it says 'to join a side hustle, use a phone or computer and select find a job. to get promoted, complete promotion requirements and daily tasks'. Makes it sound like you need a job but even getting promoted in my current part time job isn't working...
  • MDianaSims's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot
    3 years ago
    It probably refers to the two new jobs that were added in this pack. That would make most sense given the description.
  • That's so confusing. I thought a side hustle was something you did in addition to your main job? Like, on the side?
    If the side hustle is your job, then do you need to go find another thing on the side to be the side hustle?
  • Kathykins's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    3 years ago
    You can also do "Odd jobs", they should also count as "side hustle"