These are the problems I am encountering when just having my sims, both families of 6 and couples visit the Chez Llama upscale restaurant. All of my mods are updated and current for the newest patch and Dine Out. I added another Host podium, and placed 2 of the waiters stations next to one another and there is a 3rd one on the main dining floor. I'm using 2 of the expensive chef's stations and have 2 dishwashers in the kitchen.
I have 2 tables that seat 4 people and 5 tables that seat 2 people. My bar area has 6 barstools and people DO order food and drinks there and dine there successfully.
Here are the issues:
1. The wait staff stacks up dishes and leave them on the floor or dump them in the wait stations trash bin. I haven't seen any of them using the dishwashers.
2. My wait staff also walk back and forth a lot from the kitchen to the dining areas and there are appetizers/meals/desserts to be served waiting on the chef's station.
3. The entire dining experience takes WAY TOO LONG! The meals are usually served in a somewhat timely manner BUT the table conversation is set too long so that a 3 Course Meal takes 10 to 12 hours to complete! I can sit and micro-manage my sims and cancel out their conversations but I shouldn't have to do that. I want to be able to watch other neighboring sims dining and not have my "main" sim family arrive at the restaurant at 7pm and be receiving "So and so has school in an hour", at 7am the next day.
4. Sometimes, the wait staff do not clear all the dishes from the table and I get the message, "The next meal cannot be delivered until the table is cleared" (paraphrased). This is a programming glitch/error.
What I would like to see in the next immediate patch for Dine Out:
1. A fine tuning of the "dining experience time" so that a 3 course meal takes not more than 4 hours or make it adjustable, so that we, the PLAYERS have control over this.
2. Availability to have TWO Hosts when 2 Host Stations are placed at the restaurant entrance. I LOVE being able to choose what the restaurant staff wear and want TWO HOSTS since my chosen outfits complement each other and I want BOTH a male and female host at my restaurants. Same goes for my wait staff: I want a Male and a Female -- NOT 2 females like I currently have now.
3. Ability to set Age Limit for Restaurant Staff -- I do NOT want any Elders in my restaurant staff. My Dine Out staff need to be young adults/adults, fit and attractive. This is a common denominator for universal restaurant dining experience in RL. If the Elders in the game were not saggy and slump shouldered then that would be different. I want the proverbial "eye candy" for my sims' dining out experience.
4. Ability to create a group of sims who will be NPC/Restaurant employees. An NPC Restaurant Staff pool if you will... :)
5. Employee Staff Bathroom Doors so that we can have separate bathrooms only used by restaurant staff. I am using the Kitchen door right now for my created "Employee Bathroom" but so far, the staff are not using it.
I like the fact that once my sims have tasted a new drink or dish while dining out -- they can then create it at home to have new food and drink options. Also the ability to "Compliment the Chef" and a few of the other convo options are a nice touch to this GP.