"crinrict;14920978" wrote:
Any mods in your game ?
Not trying to be difficult here but seems like this is the answer most people are asked when we ask a question about problems.
Since this was your answer to me as well, I have taken everything out of my game...I have NO Mods/CC in my game. Booths still do not work and disappear. Sims can not sit at them no matter where they are put, how they are arranged. I have play tested Maxis lots and the problem still exists. I even got a Maxis lot from the gallery called "Tudor Bungalow" (house) and it had invisible/transparent walls...again, I have no CC in my game!
Now, it puzzles me because Sims 4 was made/designed with creators in mind...they even said they wanted creators (people who mesh, recolor) to be able to create for the game again like it they did with Sims 2...so, the fact that Mods/CC is present in some games should not really be an issue especially since the same happens when the game is pure vanilla.
I, like everyone else have paid money for a game to play/create/build...not one with glitches and then being told that we caused it with having Mods/CC
Does anyone know if they are even looking into fixing the issue that so many of us are having?