Also have a lot of issues with this pack.
- Sims not sitting down at their tables while ordering or eating.
- Sims waiting for hours and hours for their meal to be delivered. Is this by design?
- Booths not recognized/working as proper seating spots.
- Same sims eating at the restaurant day after day, most often the Bjergsen's though they're always individually with some random townie.
- None of the guests uses the bar even though it's manned and my sim can order drinks just fine.
- The waiters seem to have issues with prioritizing tasks. They are often seen picking something up only to immediately drop it again and do something else. I also had a waitress who really had to pee but was interrupted with a new task every time she tried to walk to the toilet.
- All waste bins placed outside are pushed over, every day, all the time.
- Very few guests at the restaurants even at peak dinner time, the only exception being when I only had booths that wasn't recognized as seating. Then there were tons of people hanging around the bar, not ordering anything, just talking.
- Almost all the guests come in groups of 2 or maximum 3. I haven't seen any families or larger groups of 4 or more sims.
I tested the booths at a residential lot and it worked fine as a dining table with the exact same layout as the restaurant where they wouldn't work. I sold the restaurant, went there as a guest and was able to request on of the booth tables though there seemed to be quite a lot of routing issues with it.
And before you ask: No, I don't have any mods or cc in my game at the moment.
Here are some pictures of the booth issue:
When my sim requested a booth table:
And here are all the sims standing around the bar without interacting with it: