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Simmerville's avatar
6 years ago

Judith Ward's background story?

I had GF for a couple months, but did not check out The Pinnacles homes until now.

First was Judith Ward's castle, and after reading her bio I have so many questions about her. I like most of my sims to have a background story, and to add personal stuff to their homes. Most of my sims are born in-game, but the others need this help.

I found Judith's home glamorous and spacious, of course, but so many things seem lacking. It's not set to be a very personal home, I mean there are hardly any rooms for clutter and personal hobby stuff. Bio she were married several times in the past, of course they did not necessarily live at The Pinnacles but being Adult she should have some stuff. The only thing is an easel, but she has 0 painting skills. She has 3 gardening skills, but the garden is rather boring with no flowers bar the Lavendula at her entrance. With 3 skills she could easily have at least a flower bed, if not a small vegetable garden, or minimum a couple tomato pots in the kitchen...

I also miss a bar area in her huge house, perhaps there used to be a bar, but she threw it out when she divorced and was no longer interested in giving parties.

This household must of course have a butler, but it's hard to assign a bedroom and bathroom to a butler. I think such huge homes will normally have a small section for servants near the kitchen.

Most of all I wonder why there is no movie posters or awards in her office? She also should have huge self portraits on the wall, even a wall covered with framed photos of famous co-workers and directors. There's kinda no movie industry vibe in her house, I think that is a tad sad, so I'll have to assist her on that part.

I imagine she married some actor or director Ward, who founded this house in the past. He helped her into the industry, and when he died from old age, she kept his last name when marrying a new guy, who later on divorced her because she did not want to have any children ruining her career.

If you played her, what hobbies did you give her? Did her ex-husbands leave any track? Was she always an actress?

10 Replies

  • All I know is that she's been a huge fan of my star. I had to go back several game saves to before he was a star to restart his progression. (Drat that Patch). He's made it to b-lister and he's still a teen. Judith Ward is now his Stan! LOL
  • "GalacticGal;c-16995707" wrote:
    All I know is that she's been a huge fan of my star. I had to go back several game saves to before he was a star to restart his progression. (Drat that Patch). He's made it to b-lister and he's still a teen. Judith Ward is now his Stan! LOL

    Awesome! :) It's kinda fun when preset sims behave outside their designed box, methinks :)
  • LadyKyn's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    6 years ago
    Her hobbies seem to involve staring at herself in the mirror. :|

    Looking at the house it seemed her and her last husband indeed lived separate lives and most likely only married for appearances and then some? Not too surprised there's not a lot of personal items in the home because she probably spends a lot of time away with acting. In one of my saves she actually had two kids and barely spent any time with them. I swear the butler took care of the majority of the time. I see the woman as a workaholic.

    I added a bar with a area to be able to entertain guests. Though when you're a global superstar who do you need to impress?
  • Yes, @LadyKyn , a global star might not even throw parties, what would I know. Must be hard getting new friends anyway, any especially for JW :)

    Now that I looked in to the other households that came with GF, I see they all lack personal items. Houses are hardly equipped with more than the most needed. I reckon the devs might find it better to leave it to us, as we have access to so much stuff from all packs, items that can not be included with this pack separately.

    Anyway, I made a background story for Judith Ward. Some might be rumors, though. She moved to Del Sol Valley when marrying the successful and much older director Simerin Ward. In my game Judith's maiden name is Bellamy. It turned out he could not reproduce, which suited Judith perfectly. She loved him for boosting her movie career, and of course for the house. Btw the Ward Park was a gift to the community before Mr Ward married Judith. He donated the nice view area at the Pinnacles at the same time. Judith never cared about either of those tiny parks. Her gardening skills were built before she came to DSV, here at The Pinnacles she only tended a few potted indoor plants, leaving everything else to the hired Gardener and the Butler.
    When Simerin died from old age, Judith was still a YA and shortly remarried the much younger Sammy Hedger. Sammy wanted children, and Judith refused, so it was actually he who claimed a divorce. He was a Photographer, intending to make a living from portraying celebrities, but that was before he realized he hardly had to work at all, and before he left DSV for good. The easel is the only track in the house, he used to paint to find a reason to be shut off from his wife, something Judith realized, so all his paintings were removed from the house, mostly burnt.
    She has a weak spot for her ex-husbands, though. There exist a few photos of them both in the house. She also got a bar area, she actually loves it when she find time to hire a barkeeper, and sit there alone chatting with this young man. It's the same guy every time, I don't know what her plan might be...
  • @Simmerville love your background story! Very plausible... :smile:
  • "Simmerville;d-957027" wrote:
    I had GF for a couple months, but did not check out The Pinnacles homes until now.

    First was Judith Ward's castle, and after reading her bio I have so many questions about her. I like most of my sims to have a background story, and to add personal stuff to their homes. Most of my sims are born in-game, but the others need this help.

    I found Judith's home glamorous and spacious, of course, but so many things seem lacking. It's not set to be a very personal home, I mean there are hardly any rooms for clutter and personal hobby stuff. Bio she were married several times in the past, of course they did not necessarily live at The Pinnacles but being Adult she should have some stuff. The only thing is an easel, but she has 0 painting skills. She has 3 gardening skills, but the garden is rather boring with no flowers bar the Lavendula at her entrance. With 3 skills she could easily have at least a flower bed, if not a small vegetable garden, or minimum a couple tomato pots in the kitchen...

    I also miss a bar area in her huge house, perhaps there used to be a bar, but she threw it out when she divorced and was no longer interested in giving parties.

    This household must of course have a butler, but it's hard to assign a bedroom and bathroom to a butler. I think such huge homes will normally have a small section for servants near the kitchen.

    Most of all I wonder why there is no movie posters or awards in her office? She also should have huge self portraits on the wall, even a wall covered with framed photos of famous co-workers and directors. There's kinda no movie industry vibe in her house, I think that is a tad sad, so I'll have to assist her on that part.

    I imagine she married some actor or director Ward, who founded this house in the past. He helped her into the industry, and when he died from old age, she kept his last name when marrying a new guy, who later on divorced her because she did not want to have any children ruining her career.

    If you played her, what hobbies did you give her? Did her ex-husbands leave any track? Was she always an actress?

    You asked, so I will share with you my vivid imagination about what I have done and how I have played at 'The Ward Den':

    I added a full basement to the home (two sets of double stairs from the two large halls left and right. (Thanks to EA for their foresight in planning the house). My basement is modern, yet elegant and chic, uncluttered, and currently has a large child's room, three full upscale baths, fitness room, skills and media room (there's plenty of room left over). On the ground and second floor, I changed some of the furniture, floors & wallpapers (still gaudy but easier on the eye; I tried to stay with the original style as much as possible) and added some skill builders (musical intruments, easels, workbench, etc.) to some of the rooms. I added computers to all floors. I also added additional bathrooms. I added a butler room under the main stairwell inside the main entrance. It contains nothing but a single bed for the butler (sounds about right for Judith, doesn't it?). It is accessible by two "Door of Perception" (build mode) which look like bookshelves from the outside in keeping with the noble entrance area. (I used two doors, one right and one left, so Sims would not get stuck in there, it really is a tiny area for the butler.) I also added a sheltered garden outside (front left) with uninvasive matching pillars, floor tiles w/a glass roof.

    I developed many of Judith's skills (with the exception of maxing out fitness or wellness, because I don't want her to live too long). She has even completed the 'World-Famous-Celebrity' aspiration. (I have 'aging off' for part of the time in my game.)

    Here comes the fantasy story-telling: I had Judith trick a male World-Famous-Celebrity (one of my third-generation Sims) into impregnating her (his name is Hunk Erotica-Stevens). The father (Hunk) has little to do with Judith (he's a very nice man and does not want her), but he is best friends with the child, Jude Erotica Stevens-Ward (who will soon be a teenager) and looks after him. That child (Jude) is a two-star celebrity (max for children, he earned his stars via media production) and a good boy. Then, as Judith was getting close to becoming a senior citizen, I thought that the mansion should have more life in it. I had Judith invite the butler (Shingo Yamamoto, to whom I gave an age and traits makeover) to live with her (she was already in a romantic relationship with him; my Judith has an expansive view of butler duties). She had him impregnate her and they have a toddler (soon to become a child) together, Sachi Yamamoto-Ward. I developed Shingo's skills and he is now also a World-Famous-Celebrity. He is not faithful to her, nor she to him. Shingo wanted more, so he impregnated Bella Goth's young, beautiful, talented, nice granddaughter (her name is Stella Goth-Amour, and she is not a child of Mortimer Goth). Shingo then invited Stella and their young toddler (Stanley Goth Amour-Yamamoto) to move in. Stella is almost a World-Class-Celebrity, she will get her 'Star tile' soon. She writes books, songs, and she paints.

    So, I've got Judith (now a young senior), Shingo & Stella (both still young adults) living in the house with an old child (Jude), an old toddler (Sachi), and a young toddler (Stanley). All three adults have won awards at the 'Starlight Accolades'. They are all friends, but sometimes Judith is intentionally mean to Stella. Shingo fulfills his romantic duties to both women, but does not enjoy to do so with Judith. Shingo secretly hopes Judith will get hit by lightning or die from hysterical laughter soon. He will probably not be offering the 'Reaper' a death flower for her life should this happen. He wants the house and to be rid of her so that he and Stella can live there happily ever after. But little does he know that in a few years' time, Stella just might throw him out (or put him back under the stairwell) in lieu of a younger, more handsome star (perhaps even Judith's first child, Jude Erotica Stevens-Ward).

    My, what a tangled and bizarre life. The Sims 4 is a lot of fun, isn't it? End.
  • leena3's avatar
    Seasoned Scout
    6 years ago
    Me too I played a lot with Judith Ward; she has two kids with my global superstar; she is crazy about him! ;) They live apart, but my sim visits their children all the time. Unlike her, he is a very loving parent. I didn't want to change her, so she is still that mean person as in the beginning.
  • This is a few months old but hopefully it doesn't count as a necro. I only got around to playing with her in the last two months. I generally have backstories for any new sims that I play with to the extent that I need them. A back story for me can be as simple as, "Paolo Rocca is an Italian Catholic. His family came from Naples and was more modest in origins, but not a crime family."

    Judith Ward is pretty funny and I'll admit I've had fun with her. Lately I try to check in with every pre-made house in order to get a feel for them. I'm keeping her in my rotation so far and she'll probably have a kid, though I feel slightly sorry for that child in advance. I think she has been designed so that you can play her as an Old Hollywood starlet ie: Joan Crawford, Bette Davis, Greta Garbo, Vivian Leigh, as a slightly aged Taylor Swift (age her down to YA and she looks a lot like her) or just as a celebrity disaster. I also see elements of Joan Rivers in her and Christine Baranski. (I'm not from that generation, I'm just familiar with them).

    Her house is designed without modern technology such as tvs so that you can actually play her as a historic save in the 1930s/1940s.

    I've said that she was born into fame. Her parents were famous Old Hollywood actors who didn't have a lot of time for her but also pushed her into fame with them. The Bailey-Moon family in the Pinnacles is like a more modern version of them and the child could end up like Judith if not given enough ability to build empathy or healthy outlets outside of fame. (I'm not really playing with the Bailey-Moon family but you definitely could.) She became a superstar actress herself with a lot of talent but she's narcissistic and lonely. She's also at the point where she is aging. Clearly at the point that the game starts her, she's had a lot of professional success and not a lot of personal success. I've been a little tempted to age her down to YA and watch the progression, but I'm ok with leaving her as-is.

    I mentioned elsewhere that as I've played her, she had a secret marriage with her butler who was then basically trapped in her mansion due to her not wanting to go public. He secretly had ambitions of fame, being a butler was his equivalent of being a bartender. That's why he was working for her but he never mentioned it to her. He signed up for an agency and started acting (as well as getting really fit and frankly, really good-looking). Judith got jealous and also saw him as an upstart. She has this unhealthy interest in wanting men to "be a man" in a way that involves them walking out on her. (Think Scarlett O'Hara). So, she got involved with her co-star as well because after all, he is famous though not as much as her.

    Her butler is going to keep pursuing fame. I haven't decided if he and Judith will continue being off and on for a while. I get the feeling that if he throws a drink in her face, she'll like him more. Eh, she's a fun character. I think she will have a kid though I haven't determined the father. Perhaps it'll be a mystery of either the butler or the co-star. I'd kind of like the child to be a daughter who grows up to reject her mother's ways as a kinder actress but I'll let randomness decide. When the father is determined, he will take an interest in the child though maybe not a lasting interest in Judith.

    No, I don't want to be Judith, or her butler, or her co-star. Entertaining though.
  • Judith has lived two very different lives in my games...

    In the first save file of mine, she was unmarried with no children as she always starts out. After a much needed makeover, she attracted the attention of Chester Landgraab (whom I added to the game via CAS). The two global superstars struck up a friendship that blossomed into a secret love affair. With his wife Queenie in the way, Judith may or may not have had something to do with her accidental drowning death. Nonetheless, Chester and Judith married in the living room of her home. Originally a childless bachelorette, Judith became stepmother to Nancy Landgraab, step-grandmother to Malcolm, and step-great-grandmother of his three children Dudley, Mimi and Adrien. She and Chester welcomed a daughter of their own named Ingrid shortly after their marriage. Once Chester died of old age, Judith began seeing Thorne Bailey (she loves married men!) and their affair led to the birth of her twin sons Broderick and Roderick. Sadly, Judith died of a heart attack once the boys aged up to children, causing all three to be taken by Social Services. Thanks to MCCC, Judith was able to come back to life but unfortunately her children have been lost forever. She still maintains a good relationship with her step-descendants and was devastated when her stepdaughter Nancy died of old age. Judith and Thorne eventually married and had two more children, a son named Timothy and a daughter named Sienna. It’s important to note that all of Judith’s children have the last name Landgraab for reputation purposes. Eventually Thorne died in a house fire, leaving Judith a single woman again. Her luck came when she struck up a romance with J. Huntington III, a slightly younger man with a slick charm. They married and had one child, a son named Edison. Edison’s birth placed a heavy strain on the marriage, but J died mysteriously before they could divorce. Judith is now currently on her fourth husband, none other than Dennis Kim. They have no children together.

    In my second save file, Judith’s life was much neater. This save file takes place 25 years after the Events of Sims 2, with all the Pleasantview Sims intact. Judith became friends with John Burb (husband of Jennifer Burb, who is the sister of Daniel Pleasant and aunt of Angela and Lilith). Their friendship was very strong and Judith liked the idea of finally being part of a family. In this game, her mother Margaret Crumplebottom (wink wink) makes an appearance and the two are not close at all. They’re enemies, in fact. Judith and John’s friendship blossomed into a romance after the death of Jennifer. They dated for a very long time and eventually got married. Judith was now stepmother to his four children - Lucy, Kevin (both married into the Goth family), Quinn and Odessa. They had one child together, a daughter named Tiffany after John’s mother. Their marriage was a happy one, and after John’s death Judith maintained her role as the new Burb matriarch. Stepdaughter Odessa married Ethan Bunch and they had a son named Christian, but the marriage dissolved when Ethan had an affair. Odessa got her happily ever after when she married Alexander Goth (fun fact: her older sister Lucy was originally married to Alexander before she was electrocuted and died, thus making Odessa the aunt and stepmother of Lucy’s children Casper and Shanna.) Judith and Tiffany still lived in the Burb house, where Judith welcomed her first biological grandchild after Tiffany had a daughter named Elyse with her boyfriend Adrien Kirk. Though Tiffany is a teen mom, Judith was ecstatic about the new member of the family. Judith kept up her work at Plumbbob Studios, achieving the position of Silver Screen Icon. She decided to have her tile on Starlight Boulevard updated to her married name, dedicating it to John and the Burb family. She died of old age immediately after starring in Growing Up Crumplebottom (a role near and dear to her heart), leaving her house and fortune to Tiffany to look after.

    Two VERY different paths for Judge Judy.
  • "Simmerville;c-16996920" wrote:
    Yes, @LadyKyn , a global star might not even throw parties, what would I know. Must be hard getting new friends anyway, any especially for JW :)

    Now that I looked in to the other households that came with GF, I see they all lack personal items. Houses are hardly equipped with more than the most needed. I reckon the devs might find it better to leave it to us, as we have access to so much stuff from all packs, items that can not be included with this pack separately.

    Anyway, I made a background story for Judith Ward. Some might be rumors, though. She moved to Del Sol Valley when marrying the successful and much older director Simerin Ward. In my game Judith's maiden name is Bellamy. It turned out he could not reproduce, which suited Judith perfectly. She loved him for boosting her movie career, and of course for the house. Btw the Ward Park was a gift to the community before Mr Ward married Judith. He donated the nice view area at the Pinnacles at the same time. Judith never cared about either of those tiny parks. Her gardening skills were built before she came to DSV, here at The Pinnacles she only tended a few potted indoor plants, leaving everything else to the hired Gardener and the Butler.
    When Simerin died from old age, Judith was still a YA and shortly remarried the much younger Sammy Hedger. Sammy wanted children, and Judith refused, so it was actually he who claimed a divorce. He was a Photographer, intending to make a living from portraying celebrities, but that was before he realized he hardly had to work at all, and before he left DSV for good. The easel is the only track in the house, he used to paint to find a reason to be shut off from his wife, something Judith realized, so all his paintings were removed from the house, mostly burnt.
    She has a weak spot for her ex-husbands, though. There exist a few photos of them both in the house. She also got a bar area, she actually loves it when she find time to hire a barkeeper, and sit there alone chatting with this young man. It's the same guy every time, I don't know what her plan might be...

    I was going to add that she appears to be a bit of a Cougar, going after the younger Sims, such as my Teen. LOL I've seen her preggars in several of my game saves. (I've had to restart, which is where the implications of many saves comes in.) I only have two primary saves. The Cantrell family and my Ancestral game save.

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