"Simmingal;c-17859149" wrote:
if your house resembles any of houses in this image it makes me indescribably sad
and that would probably make it my least fave build trend
its partly the lack of symmetry, partly the lack of character/decoration and also partly the idk overall boxyboxy in big size
I've tried to make something similar before just so my build fits world around it but oh boy does it make me sad
That to me looks great, in the UK we dont generally have wooden sided properties because (A) we dont have the weather for it and (B) you can only get a mortgage on a fully brick built house over here.
I hate columns too - so annoying as they dont disappear when you cutaway the walls, I also hate front doors that clearly aren't front doors - they are just an ordinary door used as a front door.
I hate cluttered houses - this is why I usually 95 per cent of the time build my own
I hate dark flooring it just makes the rooms look dark, I hate those round disc ceiling lights as they give a weird light off, I prefer and always use wall lights.
I prefer building one storey houses as its easier to see where people are especially if you have a big family.
I really get annoyed when I find a nice place to build and there s a streetlight or big tree right in front of it (off plot) and I know I can't build there because its going to annoy the heck out of me
phew that's all for now I think :D