Forum Discussion

Celticgamer0's avatar
New Novice
6 years ago

Make it pour interaction greyed out...

Could not find anything about this topic anywhere so posting it here.

The interaction to 'Make it pour' for 10,000 on the sim menu is greyed out despite having over 700,000 + simoleons. Is there a perk you must have? There is very little in the way of guides for Get Famous and some of this is confusing :lol:

Does anyone have a clue?
  • I think the Trickle/Rain/Pour interactions unlock at:
    10,000 Simoleons on-hand for Trickle
    100,000 Simoleons for Rain
    1,000,000 for Pour.

    Make sure it's on-hand, and not in the vault/business funds.
  • "hunniboo1;c-16862035" wrote:
    I didnt even know we had vaults :D

    "Celticgamer0;c-16861981" wrote:
    I have no vault or business... where do you find the vault?

    Vaults come with Get Famous, they're a build/buy object and you can put your simoleons in it. Put in enough and you unlock various interactions.
  • I think it's to do with how much money your Sim has. Is it stored in the money vault by any chance? My sim can 'make it trickle' when she has the money on her but not when it's locked away.
  • If you hoover over mouse over the greyed out social or menu item it will tell you what you need to unlock it.
  • "Celticgamer0;c-16861981" wrote:
    I have no vault or business... where do you find the vault?

    "raysims3;c-17825902" wrote:
    What are Vaults? ?

    @raysims3 vaukts are big storage items where your sim can keep their simoleons they come with the Get Famous expansion pack.

    @Celticgamer0 you can find vaults in the miscellaneous storage tab in the buy mode catalog, if you have Get Famous installed.