I don't want a full memory system because I play so many sims and I think it would slow down my game without really for a good reason. I would not mind it introduced for all who want it, but preferably with an option to turn it off or at least reduce the level. My sims could remember that they got a job (hm, why should they?), remembering a fight would be ok (but they probably have the sentiment for that?). But they don't need to remember every time they kissed or ate so and so food. Or if they saw a fun TV show, or if they got wet in the rain etc. It would mean thousand of memories saved per sim - for what use?
I like the sentiments system, and they could rather add a few more sentiments or make some of them last "life long". We definitely need more personality, and I think there is already lots of info stored in the game that could be used in smarter ways - such as the stats we can find in the Simology panel, like "how many times they did so and so", I never understood what most of that is used for, but the game probably use it somehow. It's interesting seeing how different those stats actually are.