Hi folks, I know that this section of the Forums is kind of dead, but I have a particular love for this round of Spark'd's Creature Challenge and I had so much fun creating new and updating old househ...
This household was something I wanted to complete for a while and the Spark'd Challenge gave me the motivation to do it. I already had an Egyptian Queen and her household in my game, but I really wanted the Gods. I have a passion for ancient Egypt and have a collection of items in real life so finishing this household made me very happy.
"The Ancient Gods of Egypt! Osiris, god of the dead, the underworld and afterlife, resurrected by the mystical powers of I-sis. Lady Bast, goddess of protection, pleasure and cats. The mystical goddess I-sis, of magic, fertility, healing and rebirth. The tumultuous Set, god of darkness, storms and chaos. And the enigmatic Anubis, guardian of the dead, walker between worlds, and god of cemeteries and mummification."
Found here: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/105487D11BDB11EB86411AE2A2C073C3?category=households&searchtype=ea_origin_id&sortby=newest&time=all&searchquery=LiELF&max=50&maxis=true