Forum Discussion

Simmerville's avatar
Seasoned Ace
4 years ago

My poor restaurant employees

One of my households owns a restaurant. I play on rotation. I just got a popup that it might be wise closing the restaurant until I find time to go there again. That's when I noticed the business info saying my restaurant has been opened for > 720 hours! More than 30 simdays! Opened for a full month! Oi... I wonder if my employees are still there, and if they are, they might protest to their boss... my sim...

On the other hand, the info's Customer Count says there was only 2 customers during this shift, so they can't have had a very busy 30+ month. The budget reveals there were sales of §316, and wages of §0... hm, did they all quit and leave? Did those 2 customers serve themselves?

I better go checking... maybe on next rotation or the one after ;)
  • Kathykins's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    That's nice! Honest sim guests grabbed some food, maybe a drink, and paid for it! Instead of just eat 'n run :D
  • I've had the same thing happen in a semi-rotational save. basically no customers but open for an eternity. I don't know if it's considered a bug that the restaurant is open when you aren't even playing the household, but it's weird and not how it used to be.
  • I never knew the restaurant could be open without you being there :open_mouth: learn something new everyday!
  • "Lee12321;c-17756756" wrote:
    I never knew the restaurant could be open without you being there :open_mouth: learn something new everyday!

    You don't even have to own it to have it open and working. :)