"Lumiasta;c-18132064" wrote:
Different things make different werewolves gain fury. When you begin and don't yet have any abilities to lower fury or control the rampage, you need to pay attention to what makes your werewolf gain fury. You can see this from the red pictures on the top of the werewolf's Needs panel. On top of the panel is the globe that fills with red as you gain fury, when it is full, the werewolf will begin rampage. Right underneath this globe are red pictures, just above the needs meters. You will gain a new temperament (red picture & trait) every time you level up the werewolf ranks, meaning you will end up with five.
Hover your cursor over the red pictures and see what the tooltips say. There are so many different things and temperaments that it's impossible to list them here, but if your werewolf is rampaging all the time, one possible option would be that they have Restless Animal temperament. They feel constrained while indoors and gain extra Fury without anything to do. If your werewolf has that, make sure to spend as much of their time outdoors and keep them busy. One of my werewolves has 'Must Be Clean' temperament. If their Hygiene goes to red, they get really angry and fury begins building up. They also have Sensitive Hearing and get angry about TV, loud radio, instruments and other noise. Etc etc. There can be many reasons that your specific werewolf gets angry and gains fury fast, check out their temperaments and make them avoid things that give them extra fury.
When the werewolf is on rampage, they don't understand anything human-like. However, anything wolf-like can still be controlled and given orders to. You can click on ground and tell them to go there. If you're willing to micro-manage for four sim hours, you can even keep a rampaging werewolf just running from spot A to spot B to make sure they don't wreck furniture or their relationships. If they have Scavenger ability, you can tell them to Scavenge Ground for the rampage duration, they won't mess things up and will instead do something useful, and you need to click-micro-manage less often than running them around in circles.
If you want to really control fury and rampage, get Somber Howl and The Will to Resist (both Runt level). Somber Howl lowers fury significantly although it does have a long cooldown. The Will to Resist can take you out of rampage. I've tried it out only once so far, and it worked immediately, but no idea if that was luck or not. Until you get to Runt level and have the points in those abilities, it's all about fury gain control and avoidance, and micromanaging when on rampage. Good luck!
Nice explanation! This system they put together is so amazing! Adds so much life, personality, challenge, strategy and individuality to werewolves.