Forum Discussion

snotbubble25's avatar
6 years ago

My Sims always have boys!

Is it disproportionate in anyone else's game or just mine? It's like a pattern, and whenever it breaks the pattern, it always leans towards boys

My sims's first child is ALWAYS a boy. The second one might be a girl, if I'm lucky, but there's a higher chance that it'll be another boy. I've been playing for a year and I haven't had ONE family have a girl first, not one.

The only way I've managed to trick the game into giving them a girl child is if - for example - the father already has a son from another relationship, his next one with a different mother will be a girl.

It's reached a point where I have way more boys in my game than girls. Is it the food they're eating or the music that's playing? I made a pregnant Sim constantly listen to pop and it made no difference, she still had a boy. :(