Many of you are probably familiar with Carl's written Sims 4 guides but are you aware that he now makes instructional videos for those who prefer visual information.
On July 2, 2018 I officially launched my YouTube channel for Sims 4 game-play guides. I'd had the idea to do this for years, but I'm very attached to text guides myself and will always prefer them as a medium. They are a faster way to get information and some info is best in a list format. However, I realized that I was limiting my ability to share strategies with players so began a new chapter in my journey with The Sims franchise by creating a video guide to Career performance.
A list of all videos to date:
The Sims 4 Careers (Improved)
Seasons Holiday Decorations Guide
Cool Kitchen Stuff New
Patchy (Scarecrow) New
Laundry Day New
Painting Skill
Pregnancy Cheats
How to Woohoo & Try for Baby
Skill Cheats
Playing a Moocher
Sims 4 Writing Skill
Sims 4 Gallery Update
Father Winter's Baby
Beautifully Decorated Moodlets
Weather Machine (Seasons)
How Fertilizer Works
Flower Shop Seasons/Get to Work Retail
Beekeeping Video