4 years ago
Name the best builders
I was watching some challenges on YouTube and noted some ID's from builders they showed. There are some amazing builds but I noticed the most beautiful builds are the most difficult to live in. They ...
"drakharis;c-17860533" wrote:
I would say in no particular order
Kate Emerald
Devon Bumpkin
Her Majesty Builds
Soulsistersims - I found them one day on my YouTube feed for recommended videos and have been a fan since
There are more but I didn't want a long list
Though I like Lilsimsie and James Turner I wouldn't equate them at the same level as the other builders mentioned.
I rarely use the gallery and build for myself. I don't think of myself as one of the best but I do a good enough job. Devon Bumpkin's builds have taught me to do better landscaping with my builds. Kate Emerald has shown me how to use the T.O.O.L mod in her builds that some of the best of the best use to create amazing builds.