Forum Discussion

Weirly's avatar
New Spectator
7 years ago

Need more random names for non-English languages

The game really need more names in CAS and for townies and NPC.
I've checked the game files and this is how many names there are in the Norwegian language compared to the English.
Male: 40
Last names: 40

Male: 1076
Last names: 3150

As you can see, if you're playing the game in Norwegian (and probably other languages), you'll get very low variation when it comes to names and you'll just be seeing the same names over and over and over. (I'd repeat the last two letters in that sentence several more times to prove my points but I think I'll let that be.)
This just gets boring after a while so we really need more names, I'm sure I'm not alone feeling this.
I personally wouldn't mind to get all the English available while playing the game in my own language.
  • I play in english and I don't remember what it was like when I was still playing in German, but lately ALL townies have the same names and it's not english ones but mostly asian or arabian? I don't really know the origin of the names, but it's been kind of annoying to have only foreign names in game and no english ones. I am in my 5th generation of my legacy, so all the original townies have long gone and I try to move in a lot of households I create or download from the gallery to have some control over who is in my neighborhood, so that way I control the names as well, but all Maxis-made Sims in my game have non-english names!

    And in my current generation they all literally have the same name! My kid has befriended a few other kids (in school, on the playground...) and three of them have the SAME PLUM NAME! I hate that! I mean I have friends withe the same last name or the same first name. But how rare is it to meet three people with the same first and last name!?

    All I want is some diversity! Some english names, some foreign names and most of all I don't want all Sims to have the exact same name!
  • This might be a very silly question @giullia @PeculiarPlumbob : HOW is it possible to change the game settings to another language??? I'm always automatically on German. ...And well, I've been playing the Sims since the beginning with Sims 1. Still don't know how to change the game language. :/ :/
  • I'm curious abouth the opinion of the simsguru on this subject. Do they think it's something they could improve or not?