Forum Discussion

PenguinFoop's avatar
2 years ago

How Random is Sims 4 Really?

So let me start with a real life example.

I live up a one-lane gravel dead-end road in rural America. Yesterday, I was on my way home from a doctor's appointment when I got to a sharp turn just before my house. I saw the turn was blocked by a mobile home being moved out of our area (random event #1). I pulled into our old driveway from before we built the new house and waited.

After half an hour or so, the mobile home was finally past me so I drove on toward the new driveway when I noticed that our mailbox was flattened. They had smashed it (random event #2).

I turned around and drove out to where they were still slowly moving along, stopped my car in the middle of the road and walked to the truck that was moving the mobile home.

When the driver saw me, he stopped and waited for me to approach. When I was close enough, I simply asked him when they were going to replace our mailbox. He didn't know anything about it because the ground crew (who had been guiding him down the narrow tree-lined road hadn't told him what had happened). I knew they knew about it because the one there at the driver's door described our mailbox and confirmed that it was smashed.

So the driver turned toward the inside of the cab, reached down and then turned back to me and stuck his hand out the window.

"Here," he said, "this should cover the mailbox. Sorry for the damage." He handed me a $100.00 bill! That was unexpected but not really random since they were in the wrong and caused damage.

So this got me to thinking this morning, life is one long series of random events and as I started my game up, I thought to myself how random is TS4 really?

I've noticed in the past that I mainly get the free money events when I'm low on cash and I just recently read that one player always has alien abductions happen at around 10:45 pm when they happen and there is supposed to be a 25% chance of a PFA (pregnancy from abduction) for male sims, though this seems to be broken.

I am a lover of chaos and unpredictability, so now I can't get over this feeling that the game may be more scripted and less random than I had originally thought.