Forum Discussion

GalacticGal's avatar
Seasoned Ace
2 years ago

NS OFF? Okay, Now I'm Perplexed

I thought, perhaps, in my speed to get my new save of Erik Cantrell started, that I forgot to set the NS. I just got a notice Izzy Fabulous has died. Too much sun … I saved and went to map view to manage households. I have them disabled for the entirety of the neighborhoods and both my families. So, why then, is Izzy dead? Is it truly necessary that we comb through each and every household in the ENTIRE game, to safeguard our favorite NPCs? That's crazy-insane and personally that takes up valuable game-playing time.

Is anyone else experiencing this? Or, am I just the lucky one. :open_mouth:

  • Brd709's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    Do you have MCCC installed in your new save? That has story progression settings of it's own.
  • "Brd709;c-18225240" wrote:
    Do you have MCCC installed in your new save? That has story progression settings of it's own.

    I do, but don't you have to set them yourself? I don't mess with them at all. And the notifications are coming up when I click on the mailbox and click notifications. Not saying you're incorrect, but I thought you had to actually turn that feature on.
  • "MrPlumbob;c-18225204" wrote:
    Is it summer in your game right now? Maybe Izzy was walking through the neighborhood without his hot weather outfit on and overheated. I know I've seen sims nearly freeze in the winter because they don't have their cold weather outfit on. I usually turn off temperature effects for this reason. Also, I believe there's another setting for neighborhood stories under game options. Maybe try turning that off too just to make sure. I think I missed that setting once and ended up with sims moving out of their homes even when I had neighborhood stories off in the households menu. Then again that may have been one of my mods.

    Ah, that could be it! I'll check on that. Thanks. And yes, Izzy overheated.

    ETA: I checked up and down and throughout Game Options and found nowhere the NS controls. Ho-hum. It may be there, but I couldn't find it. If someone knows, please tell me which heading under game options I should look under. :)