In the pictures of the last one I worked on, I wanted to expend outwards as little as possible. Didn't want basements either in this house. So, built upwards. Roughly the goal was to make it as toddler&kid friendly as possible. I know there are big stairs since it has the highest ceilings, but toddlers gain movement skill on stairs. Still, toddlers can spend their whole time on the second floor now. That's why I put the writing stuff for Connie right there. The big stereo is there too playing kids music. She and anyone else on the computer can also easily socialize with the children. Only thing is that food needs to be brought up. But that's easy, you can just take a dish of meals and move it up anytime. Don't need a sim to do it.
I finally got the yard a bit built up, again mostly with children in mind. I originally put that hedge and gate up because of so many NPC's constantly walking back and forth through the yard. Even though it's a game, that made me nervous.
As for landscaping, I recently had a "Eureka" moment a few days ago. I found it very irritating before, but now I love doing it.
Now that Connie's filthy rich, I've been replacing so much of the cheaper stuff with the more expensive stuff.
Here she is!
Connie Calhouni
Best Selling Author
Currently writing "Blue Shoe, Too Shoo". A children's book about a blue shoe that wouldn't go away.