Forum Discussion

EmilyBloop96's avatar
5 years ago

Oops Moments

Are there things you've done in the Sims that you quickly regretted and said, "oops". Something you were curious about and maybe never tried before then realized it wasn't what you thought? I wanted to make this because I've recently been trying to explore in the sims and do things I've never done or try out features I've never used and it hasn't always gone according to plan.

Lemme start off...

I've never used a wishing well before so I placed it on a lot. I was curious about it after reading the description so I had my pregnant sim use the, "Wish for a Child", me stupidly thinking it would add a buff or something for increased chances of having a child or something on those lines. Then, POOF, a dang child appears right next to her! I started freaking out, left without saving but the child wouldn't go away. I went into CAS ready to delete her then I saw how cute she was and really thought about it. I guess they'll keep her... Oops!
  • I used the cas.fulleditmode cheat to age up my absolute favourite sims, Brandi and Blaze into elders. The second I exited cas, they died on the spot from old age. I may have cried a little.
  • I used MCCC to get one of my Sims pregnant. I wasn't playing her household and I assumed that her husband would be the child's father. Went through the three days and then suddenly got a pop up that said "Hey! I just wanted to let you know i had a healthy girl!"

    Confused, because I had never seen that announcement before, I went to my male sims' family tree and... he, not her husband was the father of the baby.

  • Kimmer_one's avatar
    Rising Traveler
    I regret the one and only time I sent an alien baby back to homeworld.

    My alien male Sim (Evan) is married to a regular Sim (Vera) and they had two children, two boys. They decided to have one more child. They had a daughter. As soon as Vera came home from the hospital with the new baby, Evan was kidnapped by his own species and he became pregnant.
    I panicked because they didn't have room for two new children, I already had to move their oldest teenage son to the basement. I love their house so much I didn't want to move and I didn't even find a suitable one from the gallery. I decided to send the alien child away.
    I didn't really want to do it because I knew it would make me feel awful and I tried to think of how to expand the house so I could keep the fourth child, but the only solution would've been to get rid of their garden or Vera's space ship (she's an astronaut). Both of those are important to the game play, so I didn't want to do it.

    When the baby (another girl) was born I quickly sent her back to homeworld and I instantly regretted it. I could've made another room in the basement and moved the other son in there too, so the girls would've had room in the upstairs. I guess I thought it was too harsh to make a child live in the basement. It was okay for a teenager, though, he has a nice room in there and he loves to have his privacy.
    This family is one of my favorites and now I feel bad every time I play with them. I know Sims is just a game, but I get attached to my Sims and their lives.
  • "AriaMad2;c-17282016" wrote:
    I used the cas.fulleditmode cheat to age up my absolute favourite sims, Brandi and Blaze into elders. The second I exited cas, they died on the spot from old age. I may have cried a little.

    I've had that happen. Definitely an Oops moment.
  • "Burst of playful? I wonder what that does, it sounds fun"
    It kills, thats what it does and it wasn't fun having to gather more humans for my vampire.
  • It was right after my sim gave birth to her baby, I saw a blank option to click on the bassinet, so I did. The baby was immediately removed by the social worker and sent off to another family. Still, don't know what that blank option was but I will never click on it again. Since I had the MCCC mod I was able to place the baby back with her mother.
  • "AriaMad2;c-17282016" wrote:
    I used the cas.fulleditmode cheat to age up my absolute favourite sims, Brandi and Blaze into elders. The second I exited cas, they died on the spot from old age. I may have cried a little.

    Oh that's so sad!