Forum Discussion

VanesaaK's avatar
4 years ago

Oversize crops dissapearing

So, I have no idea if that is whats suppose to happen or is a glich for me. I harvested oversized Watermelons, nothing stayed, like every other plant. Now I have to buy seeds again. Is thag how it works or... ?
  • Like how fast does this oversize watermelon disappears on you? Does it vanish right after your sim harvests the watermelon or does it take a little time in the game before it vanishes?
  • Yeah I had a thread on this too, someone said because the size is different, if you have a big size you can compete with it in the competition, so every harvest it rolls a die basically of the size, so you do need to but again. Annoying but I got over it, explanation makes sense
  • It disappears right after. I mean, yeah I guess I'll have to get used to it. Thank you?
  • Oversized crops don't grow like the other plants. One could say in garden terms that the other plants (not crops) are perennials, that is they live more than 2 years. However, crops are planted and then harvested once. Corn doesn't continue to grow after it's been harvested. That's how these new oversized crops work.