"DaWaterRat;c-18350277" wrote:
What bothers me about the Sims 4 curfew board is that you can't set it by sim, so your child sims and teen sims have the same curfew, and you can't "reward" a more responsible teen with a later curfew (say for a job) than their troublemaking sibling. And you can't vary it by day, so no having a later curfew on, say, prom night if you have HSY, unless you remember to change it yourself.
That’s a good point. I never thought about this since I rarely deal with more than one kid per active household. When I do, they’d be the same age, so the same rules apply to both.
"Gordy;c-18350284" wrote:
But emotions are so incredibly easy to manipulate in this game. Mess-making would be a cute bit of chaos, if NPC kids didn't do it all the time on public lots, regardless of context.
True. It’s the mess making NPC toddlers and kids that can cause a bit of trouble. It’s very easy to get cross with those little buggers, and I believe an active sim can’t really say anything about it either if they’re not the kid’s guardian, or can they? I never had that option. I’d usually demand others to clean the floor with their ginormous mop.
It wouldn’t be so bad if the paint splashes were mud colored, but it’s all those horrid primary colors that make my lovely public lots look truly dreadful.
I still think there are plenty of good reasons to invest in the pack, but it all depends on individual play style. ??