"LadyEmperorSims;c-16571241" wrote:
I would read the guide that Carl has posted (http://www.carls-sims-4-guide.com/skills/gardening/). It looks like plants are much more complex now and if you harvest a plant, whether it has one fruit or ten, it resets it's timer. So you need to wait until it is loaded or you will be picking one and waiting longer as opposed to waiting a medium amount of time and picking ten. There are also variable lengths of time for plants to produce - some are longer than others.
I'm a little confused about the plants out in the world... If they restart every time you leave and come back to a new neighborhood, that means you would need to spend several days there before being able to harvest. I'm not going to hang out at a restaurant or a park for a few days. ???
So, in other words its the reverse of plants in real life, because in RL plants tend to produce more the more you pick as picking it means more energy can be put toward the newest blooms. Little odd its reversed in The Sims, but okay. However, it is more realistic that all the plants aren't ready at the same time.