Forum Discussion

Lorraine-Simmer's avatar
7 years ago

Please Fix the Alien "Discovery" Issue

@SimGuruDrake @SimGuruNinja @SimGuruLyndsay @SimGuruHydra

You know, the issue in which Sims will "discover" that another Sim is an alien, despite the alien not being in disguise to begin with. This wouldn't be so bad, if not for the fact that the Sim that "discovers" them usually gets an angry moodlet and the poor alien gets embarrassed. Sometimes the human Sim will get confident instead of angry, but it will almost always make the alien embarrassed. Not only that, but the aliens take an immediate hit to their relationship when they get "discovered" by a Sim who gets angry, putting their relationship in the red. Sims that get confident, however, will have their relationship boosted with the alien. Yeah, I know about the Shameless reward trait, but we shouldn't have to save up our points for a reward just to fix a flawed game mechanic. It doesn't fix those negative relationship hits either. There's also a mod that removes the angry and embarrassed buffs, but it also doesn't prevent the negative relationship hits.

This was made even stranger when I looked into it further. I decided to see what the caption for the angry moodlet was, and it said something along the lines of "why didn't they tell me?!" This makes NO sense. It implies that the Sim has known the alien for ages and is only just finding out that they are an alien, but this isn't the case. You WERE told, the very second the alien approached you without a disguise!

Also, that annoying little blurb that pops up whenever the undisguised alien is "discovered," which pops up EVERY TIME they meet a new Sim without their disguise. It says something like "and the disguise seemed perfect!" What disguise? They were never in a disguise to begin with!

Not to mention, this is actually a very long-standing issue. It's actually been a problem in the game since GTW first came out in 2015. That's right, this has been an issue for TWO YEARS and it has never been fixed or even acknowledged. I think it's about time that something was finally done about this, because this issue has really put a damper on my enjoyment of playing aliens, and I'm sure that I'm not alone on this.

More on the issue on Answers HQ.