2 years ago
Question....what are ways to transfer or get NPC's money, I know one way, but are there better ways?
I like to give my sims especially ones that have a bigger growing family a certain amount of money so that they can move into an appropriate house. I will move them in manually in many cases which is not a problem. My problem is that the only 100percent sure way to get NPC's money is to take control of there household or in other words them and use the Money X cheat, where X is the amount of money they will have you just type in any number. Well that Is a slow process if you want to do it for more than say 1 or 2 families. There is an option to transfer money without loading screens. And Im talking about under manage households, you can transfer sims from one family to another, you pick which ones and click on the arrow and they are moved instantly into there household no loading screens or anything. Well I can't get the transfer money at the very bottom of the screen to work. I've gotten it to work like 2 times and I don't remember the steps I took to do it. So simply put my question is do you guys know any fast and efficient ways to give other sim households money(not out of your account). ??? I could always use the Money X cheat but you have to go to there property with them on it and controlling them then put in the cheat and give them the money and also wait through loading screens and so on. Oh and by the way I dont have access to mods or any PC only options im on console.