I agree! I’m not a fan of the roommates system at all. It seems that roommates are given invisible quirks that can make it difficult to maintain a friendship, plus they are not good at keeping up with their own needs. My Sim right now has a roommate that she’s trying to develop a romantic relationship with, and I’m finding it very difficult. He is always cleaning which I thought was great at first, but he will endlessly mop puddles during rainstorms. This action will cause a pop up saying that he can’t take care of his needs and might move out.. um maybe stop mopping and eat something? He will also use mean interactions despite not having the mean or evil traits (he is an active, bro, vegetarian), this has caused huge hits on their relationship. I like the concept, but overall I think the system needed a bit more polish. It would be better if the Sims traits were what drove their actions, instead of it being completely random. I completely agree with you on not being expected to introduce yourself to someone living in your home.. I mean really?!