"Mariefoxprice83;c-17319505" wrote:
I think switching between terms (before enrollment) is the best way to go but hopefully EA will add an option to let us freeze the progress of played sims attending university, in the same way that we can freeze aging for played sims when we are not actually playing them. Or maybe a modder can do it.
I just had my sims finish a term.
I am not re-enrolling them because I am dorm testing and I want to swap in the updated dorm.
But this seems like it would be a good time to leave them there and play my other sims in the rival school.
I am hoping that the current sims, not enrolled but living in a Britechester custom dorm, will just stay there and not enroll while I play other sims in Foxbury. Anyone know if this is the case?
That would be great because I would hope to see them around and have my other sims visit them