Forum Discussion

Brd709's avatar
Seasoned Hotshot
2 years ago

Routing of the sinks!

Has anyone else noticed this get very out of hand recently? Before my sims would have washed their hands and dishes in the sink that's in the same room as them. Lately it's got so bad that in the Bheeda house, they wash dishes in the sink in downstairs toilet instead of the kitchen sink. I've seen sims upstairs walking between bathroom to bathroom to wash their hands instead of the sink that's right next to them in the same room.

Was it always like this or did it get patched at some time?
  • Found the bug report in the help center, if you want to click Me Too:
  • BissenNess's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot
    I've had this as an occasional problem since I started playing in 2018, although it was usually people washing dishes in the bathroom, not so much handwashing. I feel like in the past month or so, on the other hand, it's been ramped up to Nth degree. Nowadays sims almost never use the nearest sink. It's like they've been re-programmed to avoid it.
  • "Daephene;c-18249256" wrote:
    In my game it's a fairly new thing within the past year. They used to be pretty good about using the one nearest the toilet. Now they go out of the way to use one in a different room 90% of the time. I can have two sims use two different toilets at the same time, and they'll walk past each other to use each other's sinks. It's not the sinks. I believe it's a bug that came up either with HSY or a later patch. I've just decided to find it amusing to save my sanity. It causes a lot of embarrassing moments when someone else is showering in the room with the sink they decide to use though.

    Edit to add: It's happening in every household, and on lots that I used without this problem for years.

    Yes I’ve found this too. All households and houses that I’ve used for a long time with no issues now all have the same problem. I’ve added a me too to the bug report.
  • I've also hit me too ... I never had the problem with not using the sink next to the toilet until the latest patch (or the new EP, hard to know which one started it).
  • EA_Solaire's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    Hey all,

    Please utilize Answers HQ for bugs and technical issues. You can find the link for this specific issue above.
  • "Rouensims;c-18249148" wrote:
    I use a mod, so I haven’t seen this problem in ages!

    What mod corrects this please?
  • "Lilia1971;c-18249192" wrote:
    "crocobaura;c-18249154" wrote:
    If you add a dishwasher to the kitchen they will stop using the bathroom sink to wash dishes. As for washing hands after using the toilet, they always wash their hands in the sink in the bathroom they are in, never had them travel between bathrooms to wash hands, let alone go on different floors to do that. Sometimes they might prefer to use the toilet upstairs instead of the one downstairs, but they will wash their hands there as well.

    In my game they rarely use the sink in the bathroom next to the toilet to wash their hands. They mostly go to the kitchen sink or a sink in a different bathroom, including on different floors. This has happened in all houses I’ve played with all different families.

    Have you tried to see if the sinks are accessible? Maybe there are clutter objects blocking access to them? I rarely have issues with sinks, and for most part they work as intended in my game and I play vanilla.
  • "Lilia1971;c-18249206" wrote:
    "crocobaura;c-18249197" wrote:
    "Lilia1971;c-18249192" wrote:
    "crocobaura;c-18249154" wrote:
    If you add a dishwasher to the kitchen they will stop using the bathroom sink to wash dishes. As for washing hands after using the toilet, they always wash their hands in the sink in the bathroom they are in, never had them travel between bathrooms to wash hands, let alone go on different floors to do that. Sometimes they might prefer to use the toilet upstairs instead of the one downstairs, but they will wash their hands there as well.

    In my game they rarely use the sink in the bathroom next to the toilet to wash their hands. They mostly go to the kitchen sink or a sink in a different bathroom, including on different floors. This has happened in all houses I’ve played with all different families.

    Have you tried to see if the sinks are accessible? Maybe there are clutter objects blocking access to them? I rarely have issues with sinks, and for most part they work as intended in my game and I play vanilla.

    Just found a massive thread in the big reports section with this exact problem. Seems people think it started happening a lot after the HSY patch.

    Ah.... ok. I haven't noticed a difference yet. But that seems plausible then.
  • "crocobaura;c-18249245" wrote:

    I think easiest way to solve the issue with washing dishes in kitchen sink is to place the table in the kitchen or right next to the kitchen. If you have the dining room on the other side of the house and bathroom between the kitchen and diningroom, they are bound to use the bathroom to wash dishes.

    I have been doing this also. Have the kitchen sink(s) as close as reasonably possible to the eating areas. Have the bathroom sink(s) as far away as possible, at least comparatively to the kitchen sink. For a bathroom with multiple toilet stalls, have more sinks than toilets available. A couple of sinks it the kitchen wouldn't hurt either.

    However if this is a new bug, then it's all messed up again anyways. I'll try to remember to test it as I play. Watch for patterns.

    @Brd709 Actually, if you want to upload your house to the gallery, that would be a good house to test with.

  • I found a mod by Lilmisssam in her random mods called Improved Autonomy for Object Use that seems to be working so far.