5 years agoSeasoned Ace
Safe NAP's
I've been playing around (and reading about the experiences of others) with the Action Plans, and figured I'd make a list of the "safe" ones, that didn't cause any unwanted behaviour in my sims or those wandering around town. I didn't want my stuff to get stolen, see people with paper bags or have Geoffrey Landgraab walk over to my sim and start flirting. He's a nice guy, but really...None of my sims find him anywhere near attractive (to my knowledge anyway).
So, after I turned off NPC voting, to not cause more chaos, I'm slowly going through all 'hoods and add 4 of any of these:
Self-sufficiency - Fishing, Gardening, Handiness
Eco-Friendly Appliances - Have at least 1 plumbing object with both Water Recycler and H2O Siphoner. I usually make it a sink, since my sims hardly use those anyway and the constant refilling of fuel is tedious at best
Green Gardening - 1 Bee Box or 1 Bug Hotel (you can leave it empty if you want)
Upcycling Initiative - Have 1 Recycler or 1 Fabricator
Clean Energy Production - Have Solar panels or wind turbines, and/or that new EL solar roof texture
Power/water concervation - 1 day without power/water, energy-efficient/water-saving upgrades, dew collectors
I have not had any trouble with any of these, and passing the weekly inspection is a walk in the park. Must mention, practically ALL my sims work on handiness so upgrading is never a problem. Which I found to be a really good thing, because those wind turbines on the ground break every day! I could put some on the roof, but I find them to be more unsightly, so I avoid those (I prefer solar panels on the roof). If you don't mind them, the roof turbines can't be upgraded but will also not break. I use normal upgrading parts for the dew collectors and turbines (and any other upgrade), since the eco-parts take too long to make, and you nead boatloads of them.
So, after I turned off NPC voting, to not cause more chaos, I'm slowly going through all 'hoods and add 4 of any of these:
Self-sufficiency - Fishing, Gardening, Handiness
Eco-Friendly Appliances - Have at least 1 plumbing object with both Water Recycler and H2O Siphoner. I usually make it a sink, since my sims hardly use those anyway and the constant refilling of fuel is tedious at best
Green Gardening - 1 Bee Box or 1 Bug Hotel (you can leave it empty if you want)
Upcycling Initiative - Have 1 Recycler or 1 Fabricator
Clean Energy Production - Have Solar panels or wind turbines, and/or that new EL solar roof texture
Power/water concervation - 1 day without power/water, energy-efficient/water-saving upgrades, dew collectors
I have not had any trouble with any of these, and passing the weekly inspection is a walk in the park. Must mention, practically ALL my sims work on handiness so upgrading is never a problem. Which I found to be a really good thing, because those wind turbines on the ground break every day! I could put some on the roof, but I find them to be more unsightly, so I avoid those (I prefer solar panels on the roof). If you don't mind them, the roof turbines can't be upgraded but will also not break. I use normal upgrading parts for the dew collectors and turbines (and any other upgrade), since the eco-parts take too long to make, and you nead boatloads of them.