11 years ago
Satisfaction Point Cheat
*edited* Am looking for (if there is one) a cheat to increase the amount of Satisfaction Points used to spend for potions & traits via the new reward store in game. This was similar to TS3 Life...
"chellecheree;12559379" wrote:"Devynsims00;12559288" wrote:"SPARKY1922;12559179" wrote:
Another thing I had not thought of so I suppose just typing in testingcheatsenabled true then holding down control and pointing mouse at lifetime rewards counter is not going to work then?? :D
No, I have tried it & also have tried enabling the cheats via world/town mode & then entering my Sims home as in TS3. So far nothing has worked. Am hoping someone figures this out soon, it is my favorite cheat lol :worried:
its testingcheat true now and shift click your sim not the mailbox