Thank you very much @Amapola76. <3 This little girl is our Miracle Baby, and the entire family, including my husband's extended family, cannot wait to meet her. My husband comes from a close Italian family with deep roots in the Catholic church. They weren't very accepting of this at first, especially my mother-in-law. And since I came into this marriage as a divorced woman with five children and my husband came into the marriage as a divorced father of four, we caused quite the stir. Talk about breaking down walls and changing their belief system. LOL When hubby's family sold homes and businesses in Florida and moved here a couple years ago, I don't think they realized how much their lives were about to change. Or how close we quickly became once they were here. But this baby has brought us even closer, I believe. Because we all agree she is truly a gift from God. Now, if my sons would tell us what they have decided to name her before she arrives, I'd be one happy camper. :D