I agree, in my opinion there has been a shift as to whom the game is advertised towards. It seems like there is a lot of marketing made by the Sims to appeal more to teenage girls, who are their target audience, hence the popularity of lilsimsie and similar Youtubers.
I think this is made more visible when taking old Sims commercials and trailers into consideration. Sims ads used to be a lot more "raunchy" and actually seemed to represent different types of people playing the game. You can see that in these commercials that feature the female audience as well a more male audience.
Compare that to packs like Snowy Escape which had a trailer that to me seemed very girl-oriented, from the music to the characters to the features shown or packs like Paranormal, Nifty Knitting or the Bust the Dust kit filled with "cutesy" content and items, you'll see they have changed their target audience quite a bit.
Even the collaborations they do with celebs like Sabrina the teenage witch or Vanessa Hudgens or Kpop stars, are directed more to a female audience. Not that no males enjoy Sabrina, or High school Musical or Kpop but these tend to be things associated more with a female audience.
I think at least their advertising is more female-oriented.