I totally agree. They did make some adjustments to make "Fine" stronger, but if all needs are full, Sims are automatically "Happy" buffed. Eating a decent meal...also "Happy". Decorations..."Happy" again. The simple, day to day default tasks and bare minimum should not buff Happy. It just keeps the game unbalanced and ends up always overriding the other emotions if you take good care of your Sims. A cared for Sim should be "Fine", and it should take additional stimuli, determined by Sim personality, interaction, objects or special circumstances, to make them "Happy", the same way it does for other emotions. And that's where I feel that the initial design of emotion mechanics in Sims 4 went wrong; they put too much stress on default happiness instead of making it an emotion to earn like the others.
I would love to see more tweaking done to balance this.