I like them a lot over all, and really wish there were different kinds. I enjoy the challenge of reward task versions, and except in specific cases where bugs and poor design makes something impossible and frustrating, I appreciate the effort involved. Tho is can sometimes be a difficult balance between having it be basically impossible and feeling too easy (more often, completing social events falls more on the latter to me), I think it's also nice for story purposes, being a good way to have sims gather and maybe get some unexpected interactions or story progression, or the way they can interact with different packs. For instance, I like having my politicians in the charity organizer branch throw parties in order to collect donations (I was doing that even BEFORE "Charity Fundraiser" was an actual event in the game lol), or throwing a house party when my sim moves to a new place to "break it in." I wish we could have reward tasks on the holidays that come with the Seasons, so I could have proper Spooky Day and Winterfest parties on those holidays, but most of my complaints tend to be on the side of "I want more social events and be able to throw them more times/places," so over all I'm thinking that's a net "pro" stance from me haha.