Forum Discussion

mariefoxprice83's avatar
New Adventurer
6 years ago

Starlight Accolades

Do the awards ceremonies show up on custom lounges? The event isn't showing up in my calendar at all. I deleted the default lounge for the event but have added a new lounge with the necessary trait at the beginning of this sim week so I was hoping my actor sim would finally be able to get his award.
  • My guy got nominated for an award but it didn't go in his inventory, or get crossed off his aspiration list. After some googling I realised I was too slow to click on the microphone to accept the award. Hopefully he can get the award next time.
  • My guy was already a 5 star celebrity at the point I couldn't work out why he wasn't getting nominated. His household is next in the rotation after the current one though so hopefully he'll get his award shortly.
  • im having an issue with the starlight accolades that someone might be able to help me with- my sim was nominated for an award and attended the cerimony but i was too slow to react and missed the opportunity to collect the award. Ever since then despite many many many gold performances, a level 5 celebrity status for weeks on end and even trying multiple gigs a week, my sim has never won an award. Her fiance who attends the awards with her every week has won 2 awards without even trying... but she is the one with the aspiration that requires a starlight accolade.

    Im struggling to know how to fix this.

    My next plan of action, after 2 gold performances in one week and her fiance winning an award for the motivational book he rattled out one evening to increase his writing skill for the stylist career, is to get her to write some books and see if she gets nominated for a book award, as clearly acting is getting her nowhere... she's becoming the leonardo dicaprio of del Sol valley!!!
  • "Mariefoxprice83;c-16964129" wrote:
    My guy got nominated for an award but it didn't go in his inventory, or get crossed off his aspiration list. After some googling I realised I was too slow to click on the microphone to accept the award. Hopefully he can get the award next time.

    At least yours has been nominated. My Singer, who happens to be a Global Superstar isn't receiving his due recognition. :'( I've done everything I can think of, but still no dice. Oh, well, one day, (if my game doesn't keep throwing monkey wrenches into my works) he'll get recognized.

  • "cmbaker16;c-16971542" wrote:
    @GalacticGal i have a 5 star celeb and had her take her family out and they've been able to go through the VIP areas with no problem, think so long as the sims are in a group with the celeb sim they can go where the celeb can.

    Thanks for the tip, I'll give it a try. :)
  • I have observed this in my game and noticed that when I click for her to go watch the awards, she waves and can't get in. I also noticed that certain "stars" have to enter first before it allows my sim to go in. My sim will be able to enter then (and they may be a notable newcomer or rising star) but it will let them enter after other stars have arrived and entered the building.

    I now just take my sim there and let them decide when to go in. I don't keep trying.....I had to "let it go", LOL Seems the sims are smarter than me......they know when to wait and when to go :D

    I noticed also that when the show ends, my sim goes to bar for a drink (usually the only one that sticks around). The bouncer remains and doesn't let anyone (fans) in unless they pay enough. Always fights at the rope! I have taken my sim outside and had her play the guitar or sing, and the bouncer then leaves, or if the bouncer stays the fans seem to go in the building with no problem. So I wonder if this happens because the last "star" came out?