Forum Discussion

GalacticGal's avatar
Seasoned Ace
2 months ago

Strangerville Refreshed?

It's been quite some time since I last ran through the Strangerville mystery.  I've got my team of Sims down at the lab in the crater, and I'm noticing some changes. Any time before when I would have a Sim click on a computer, it wouldn't allow access. Or even give me a popup as to why not.  This time around, I'm seeing red lines outlining the door to the basement level. And I've seen a couple of computers thusly marked.  When I first clicked on one, I got a popup stating my Sim had to have a higher rating in programming. Single-handedly my YA Lieutenant, J. G., has accumulated at least 7 of 15 clues needed to form a Dossier.

Has Strangerville had a refresh? If so, I'm delighted. While I'm still finding this one tough nut to crack, I do like the little helping hand, if you will. 

Any thoughts?

6 Replies

  • It's always been like that for me šŸ¤· did you maybe use mods before which could have affected it?

  • GalacticGal's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    2 months ago

    It is possible I was using mods the first two times I went through this mystery. I have more mods, currently, so I don't know. All I can say is I felt entirely lost when I first began this third run, until I took my group to the Secret Lab . . .  By the way, the only thing my new avatar and I have in common is the color of hair and the bangs. My hair is hip-length or close to it and is several shades lighter in color. Oh, well. I suppose it's better than just a plumbbob Thanks for responding!

  • LiELF's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    2 months ago

    I think the lack of access on computers may have been a bug. I remember having that problem a while back with Sims that I knew had used them before. I'm glad it's fixed! šŸ˜Š

  • elliebreton's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    2 months ago

    Uh, I didn't even notice it was you who made this thread - I am so used to looking at avatars instead of names. I long for our own avatars, then I could recognise everyone! And no, I'm not a little girl lol - though I do have brown hair and bangs so that was about the closest I could get.

  • GalacticGal's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    31 days ago

    I'm about ready to go back to that pretty blue plumbbob. At least when I see it I recognize it's my post. LOL

  • GameGirl2168a's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot
    30 days ago

    It's been a while since I've had a sim run through the Strangerville mystery as well. As I recall, though, aren't those red lines showing you where you have to go for the next part of the mystery? You may want to check out Carl's Guide to Strangerville; his guides are pretty complete and well written. (In fact, I tend to rely on them if I have a question about a pack and how to accomplish certain goals for it.