Okay, I am currently playing my Erik Cantrell Main Save RESET save. Things are going well, with the exception of the fact I tried to use the map view to set the gameplay through options. I thought it was odd that when I checked Jamison's age it gave me the number of days he had left until he ages up. :open_mouth: And I'm thinking, wow, I can still get that information. I should have known better. I had Erik plan outfit, since he just got nominated for his Eleventh Best Song, so I wouldn't get all caught up in the gameplay and forget. When he came out of the CAS I got the notice that Hayleigh had sent a gift to Hallie. Yeah, for some odd reason, the names get changed for Erik's kids when they come home from the hospital. Didn't do it to Brianna's boys, so obviously it isn't the birthing mod, or any other mod.
Jamison was Branson, or something else. The game changed my twin girls to Hallie and Precious. PRECIOUS! That's either the Ring to Rule them all, or a pet. I decided to see about fixing their names, so I took them into cas.fulleditmode, as I have to do with each and every born ingame child. Good thing I did, too. They weren't exactly identical. Not only that, they BOTH had brown eyes. How on Earth do you get two parents with blue eyes to have a child with brown eyes? Nobody on either side of the family has brown eyes. Nobody, so it can't be a throwback. Well, I changed the eye color, and deleted the one to be replaced by a clone of the other one. I am happily. I made certain, while in the household to turn off aging, for real. I just will keep the other babies on hold, until the infants drop. So, it is and so shall it be. :)