If EA sort out their relationships and genology mechanics, and greatly expands on those, that would be fantastic. There could be so much potential with the parenthood pack adding even more options to relationships.
one of the questions had a social status and sim priority in there as well, as in the way they act and behave, which makes them different, the parenthood pack could really expand on that by using character values plus traits to create a semi-realistic adult with a specific behaviour and sticks to it religiously.
Get famous could also have a big factor in those relationships, because if there is a famous sim in the family who died a few generations back (and is noted in the genology with that star rating on their death), that sim would be seen by the family as a sign of pride and something to aspire towards, and other sims would recognise members of that family, meaning a positive reputation combined with character values for children could ultimately determine if that young person can connect and use their family members fame to create their own and keep the family in the spotlight.
There could also be negatives from such a spotlight on the family as well, as some family members would rather be left alone and as a result develop a poor reputation that would be felt. there still could be a famous face to come out of that but the chances are unlikely.
The parenthood pack i think could go back and more additions made, specifically to the parent-child mechanics, child-child mechanics and the whole adoption situation.
Step parents and step children. Sims marrying into an already existing family and jumping right into the parent aspect with children that are not theirs.
Foster parents and foster children. It is only by legal contract that unrelated children and adults can be considered children and parents. This game doesn't recognise that fact, instead it recognises them as their own natural born children (which goes way beyond the implication) and is utterly absurd. i thoroughly dislike the adoption in this game as it is. Foster children and parents need a new relationship dynamic, same between foster children and natural born children.
Cousins needs expanding on as well, as it is, all you see is "Cousin" in the relationship, but it doesn't say how far apart in the familiar bloodline they are or how many times removed either.
The genology window should also make it clear of any foster children and their familial relationships including their real parents as just a name label and an avatar picture and a simulated living or death experience from the genology window alone, so it gives a sense the real parents have gotten old or died from old age or unexpected for whatever reason listed by the game but never show up in the game. it adds a sense of the world outside the one we play from.
Edit: Forgot to add the ability to create bad blood scenarios between child-child or child-parent and parent-child to create a more complicated dynamic.
i was thinking along the lines of Siobhan Fyres and Morgan Fyres as examples. Although Siobhan is a fully grown woman in her own right, it is stated in the family bio that she and her sister Morgan don't see eye to eye because of the way they choose to act and the choices they make, so there could be a scenario there where bad blood/rivalry can develop between the siblings that automatically override and dictate any responses between the siblings. In this case Siobhan clearly disapproves of Morgan's behaviour and as a result is more likely to autonomously pick mean actions with her sister and damage the relationship until they find a way of sorting out the differences. it could potentially affect their relationship for good.
In order to fix the relationship Morgan needs not only find a way out of the renegades, but she needs to embrace her good nature which is already there in the traits. It also wouldn't hurt if she has tasks(/events) created by the game randomly on a day to make it up to Siobhan by finding a way to apologise, and building a sense of good by conversation and conversely Siobhan has some tasks of her own she needs to do to make it up to Morgan. This directly affects their relationship and if they manage it, things are patched up and they can act like sisters to each other and the rivalry ends, however if the user simply ends it before any effort is made or made no effort at all, the relationship takes a direct hit and neither of them will be anything more than adversaries.
Indirectly if Morgan and Siobhan make it up to each other? They give a positive impression to their parents Moira and Dominic and any other family members which gives a good sized friendship boost. But if they fail to make it up? their parents and any other family members will be disappointed and the relationship meters can take a minor hit.
It isn't just the Fyres, but the Munch family is another example, as well as the Goths as well where there is more than one child and a parent or parents involved, also the Caliente as well and the Landgraabs which gives the perfect excuse to line Johnny Zest back up with his landgraab family and set the tone for a really ugly familial situation.
Lots of things to find there as well.