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Cerimonster's avatar
11 years ago

Sylvan Glade **Spoiler Alert: Do not read if you hate spoilers**

There is a beautiful little fantasy tree in the town by the river. My sim would always pass it while jogging and one day when I moused over it I noticed there were interactions. I watered the tree a few times, and then was rewarded with more interactions. Long story short, the side of the tree opened up and my sim was able to enter the tree. I expected it to be a rabbit hole similar to the Crypt in the Graveyard in TS3, as it led me through a series of Q&A's that were similar. What a treat I was rewarded with when a load screen popped up and I zoned into a picturesque fantasy. This pretty little glade awaited me, and fishing in the stream rewarded me with some cowplant seeds. Sweet!!! Lots of frogs and other rare fish to be had as well in both the pond and the fishing hole with the rainbow over it. Rare and Common harvestables also await you in this glade. This is by far my favorite discovery in TS4 thus far!

Screenshots! :D

  • @Robyn, my sim decided to do his extra credit homework in the middle of the mushroom circle lol. I had him view all the mushrooms (hoping something cool would happen but not expecting anything to since it's base game), and when I zipped away to look around through the foliage for anything I might have missed, I found him that way when I returned. He did it all on his own, and I found it entertaining enough that I took a screenshot. I don't think I could recreate the scene if I wanted to, though. lol

    Great screenshots Robyn!

    @Athena, oh yes! The only flaw for my beloved TS2 was that it never had a proper magic EP. I adored Supernatural in TS3, so I'm hoping against all hope that TS4 follows in TS3's footsteps on this ONE thing. lol I do think they will, considering the success of the magical store related content and the Supernatural EP. I do miss my witches, though, so here's to hoping they deliver those sooner rather than later. >.<
  • When you inspect the water it tells you that you need to use medium bait. When I first arrived, my fishing skill was only 3, and I received a notification that my skill was not high enough yet. It wasn't until I hit fishing 8 that I was able to get my first cowplant seed (I was switching between baits a lot trying to determine what "medium" weight was for bait hahah), but once I maxed out fishing things came in a lot faster. If your skill isn't high enough, you're still able to fish in the pond, though, you just don't get anything but minnows, bettas, apples, and some emotion potions. So you can level fishing up inside the Glade if you're so inclined.

    Do it on a weekend, though, because the timer is still running for work/school, and your sim will exit the Glade if it's time for him/her to go to work/school.
  • What do you use for bait? I'm just starting the fishing skill, have no idea what to use for bait.
  • I used other fish I had caught, but you can also use flowers and fruit that you have harvested/caught. I fished out numerous pomegranates from that pond, and they were a bait option (though I didn't use them because I wanted to plant them). I'm still pretty new to fishing as well! You receive a notification if you catch a bait specific fish. Ex: You caught a Piranha! Then beneath that it will say Bait: Bass. That's the only one I remember unfortunately, as I just started fishing last night. I don't see a fishing bait guide up just yet either. Sorry I couldn't be of more help! Fishing is not something I normally paid much attention to in my sim games, but it has been very useful in TS4 so far, so I will definitely be checking out the finer details more today.
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    Considering this thread has been inactive for quite a long time I'm going to close it off. If you have any questions about necroposting you can read this thread here : Necroposting